How to view your grades

Find out how to view your grades and calculate your grade point average (GPA) one term at a time.


  1. Sign into Student Services Online
  2. Click on the 'Academic Data' icon
  3. The Academic Records page will appear with all your results and the courses you are currently taking
  4. To view your grades by semester, click on 'View Grades' 
  5. Select the semester that you want to view 

Sign in and view your grades now


GPAs can be calculated differently for different purposes, so if you are calculating your GPA for entry into a particular degree then you should contact the faculty.

Unofficial transcript

For a full record of your programme(s), enrolment history and grades at The University of Auckland you can view an unofficial transcript online. This transcript is for internal use only, which means your personal use or the use of University of Auckland staff where required. See How to view your unofficial transcript.

Official transcript

If you need to request an official transcript of your academic record to supply to someone outside the University, see How to request your certified digital transcript.